
Get Mum, Dad and other family or friends outside again. Fingertip remote-controlled mower brings back the pleasure of smelling cut grass for those having difficultly operating conventional mowers.

Remote-Controlled Mowers


Two-Wheel Drive (2WD)

A very tough 21-inch remote-controlled mower that will whack down the long stuff. 45% slope rating.
From $4,747 incl GST

Click here for more information


Four-Wheel Drive (4WD)

Finish off those hard to access slope areas with this 4WD unit that boasts a 75% slope rating.

From $6,738 incl GST

Click here for more information

Use with catcher, straight discharge or mulching plug

Remote Control

Mowrator S1 Pro 4WD Remote-Controlled 21-Inch Electric Mower